Talos Iraq

Jun 10, 2015

Talos LLC’s secured web platform ensures the timely delivery of comprehensive information products and allows clients to access up-to-date information as needed.  The range of services is backed by validated and verified data sets and a team of analysts with extensive experience in government, the oil & gas sector, commercial security, military and NGO operations.

Site features

  • Custom user roles.
  • Custom user access by subscription type and category (region).
  • Advanced Custom Fields integration to build a true CMS inside WordPress.
  • Ease of use for Creating, Reading, Updating and Deleting (CRUD) content.
  • Customisation of posts used for content management.
  • Advanced queries with shortcodes on pages.
  • MailPoet integration with automatically generated immediate and daily content emails.
  • Custom templates for rapid content (post) and page creation.
  • Strong, additional (to WordPress) security integration.
  • Website content protection (protect against copy of images and content).
  • Retina Ready – crystal clear icons & images, no need for any plugins.
  • Responsive design with clean & semantic code.

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